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Syncing Calendar

#tutorial #software


I have a simple issue: I want to have a synced calendar between multiple devices - android, linux and maybe windows - and I don't want to use google/microsoft calendar, I want to host it myself. Unfortunately the only solution now is CalDav.

CalDav Server - Radicale

They are multiple solutions available, but I chosen Radicale as my server - I'm not the greatest fan of python, but it just works, also the configuration was quite easy with the help of this guide.

It also comes with graphical interface - but don't be 🫢 scared of this bloat - it is needed for managing calendar creation.

CalDav Clients

Multiple calendar clients implemented CalDav support, but because of its age it often isn't actively supported.

🐧 Linux - Gnome Calendar

For example you can add CalDav calendar in gnome calendar. Yes, it doesn't say you about this option up front and Yes, often it is a pain in the ass to work.

All you need to do is add new calendar and put your Radicale Server Link into the field of adding calendar from isc file.

Maybe this design proposal will fix that.

Gnome Calendar - Calendar Adding Window

🤖 Android - Simple Calendar & DAVx5

Here it is quite harder, but still manageable. On android I am using Simple Calendar which has feature of syncing with CalDav, but for it to work you need to configure DAVx5 app - which is a client for CalDav/CardDav/WebCal.

🪟 Windows

I know that IT IS POSSIBLE, but it didn't work for me with newly update windows calendar.

Final Thoughts

Yes, it is possible, but I wouldn't recommend it for anyone.

Btw. For some reason I was thinking about creating rust server implementation of CalDav, but than I looked at its specification and magically I started working on something else.

I'm looking forward for more modern alternative - maybe jmap will become one.